More and more garages are moving over to a paper free way of working. There’s so many reasons why this is happening and it could be a great move for you too!

Initially, implementing a paperless system may seem like a large task. Especially when you have a system that is currently working well enough. However, there’s always room for improvement and it most likely will solve a few issues that come with paper forms. It may also save you money, time and storage space too.

It’s fast and efficient!

The first benefit is being able to have instant updates, no longer having to wait for job sheets. If you really want to make life easier you can have a system set up with most of the work done for you, which means filling in very little or having drop down options.

Technicians can view their allocated jobs on their tablet or phone. This will mean no time is wasted and they can begin getting to work. Having a copy on their device makes it easy for them to refer to. Unlike the paper version it is easy to keep track of Jobs and won’t get damaged or lost like physical job sheets…as long as there’s a back-up of course!

It’s really easy for updates to also flow back from technicians immediately as work progresses. Faster communication between staff will mean an efficient workplace.

Lots of time can be saved on administration. Job sheets can be updated at the click of a button.

Less Mistakes!

There’s no more missing information, instead technicians have everything they need, right where it’s required. This reduces the chance of errors happening or jobs not being finished due to lack of detail.

Bits of paper that get smudged or lost and unclear handwriting can also cause many errors. This is all eliminated by going paperless and will keep things looking professional and neat.

Happy Customers!

Complete information is the best way to avoid causing further harm to disputes with customers as everything is transparent and easy to access. Everything is backed up and available instantly for you and the customer.

There are gadgets you can use that will also produce instant reports for not only technicians but also your customers. Gadgets like the Groove Glove Tyre Tread Scanner can send accurate full reports on the condition of the tyres to both parties. The benefit of sending a customer this is providing them with an easy to understand, detailed form without having to even pick up a pen!

Paperless reporting makes it easier to track and trace any previous or ongoing work for customers. This will help you to understand the history of the car and also any important information before dealing with a customer. We invested in new software last year to achieve all of the above and we are now seeing the benefits. This year we will introduce our new online portal so our customers can raise jobs that will feed directly into our back office system, view the status of jobs, and view digital copies of equipment inspection reports and job sheets.

There are some great options out there for systems/software you can use. They can make life so much easier for not only your staff but also customers. I am sure you will agree that there are clearly many benefits of going paperless! Let's also not forget how it will reduce your company's carbon footprint too!

Contact us now, If you are interested in finding out what other gadgets or equipment are available to further facilitate a paperless Garage. Call us on +44 1670 516 816 or email us at